The Captain Coder Podcast

Solidifying Your Entrepreneurial Vision with Liz Wolfe

Marisa VanSkiver, Captain Coder Season 2 Episode 86

Have you been asking yourself whether or not you’re cut out for entrepreneurship? Fun fact - everyone is cut out for it - if they want to be.

I know that choosing to run your own business is not the easiest decision. Honestly, I think being a small business owner is one of the hardest things any of us could choose to do. But if you have a solid vision for your business and what entrepreneurship will look like to you, it becomes a whole lot easier.

In this episode, Liz Wolfe and I are unpacking everything you need to keep in mind when you’re running your new business.

You’ll learn:

  • Her own unusual journey into entrepreneurship
  • What most new entrepreneurs get wrong
  • The four entrepreneur personality types
  • Where new entrepreneurs should start
  • Liz’s system for new entrepreneurs 
  • Why visioning works
  • How to start on your own


Liz’s CEO Personality Quiz -

Brendon Burchard The Millionaire Messenger -

Mrs. Space Cadet video - 

FREE RESOURCE: Get more leads from your website

Follow me on Instagram: @captaincoder

The first thing that I do is we talk about vision. It's I mean, you could use the analogy of a GPS system, right? You're not in just get in your car and start driving. You're not. You're not going to put a random GPS address. You're going to you need to know where you're going. Hi, and welcome to another episode of the Captain Culture Podcast. I'm very excited to have Liz here with me today. Liz, tell me just a little bit about yourself. How do you help your clients? Yes. And well, I'm really excited to be here today, so thank you for having me on. And I'm a business coach. I live and work in New York City, and what I do is I coach newer entrepreneurs, mostly some people who are in business for maybe one, two, three or five years. And I coach people to get unstuck so that they can launch and grow an abundant business. That is really awesome. Now, is coaching your first kind of foray into entrepreneurship, Like how what what's your background? It is not at all my first foray. In fact, all my previous forays into coaching is excuse me, into entrepreneurship is what brought me to coaching. So it all started when I was six years old and my mother said, I don't want to live in Pittsburgh anymore. I want to move to a farm. And so she did that with my dad. And then three years later, he moved back to Pittsburgh and farming. Turns out it's not his thing. And she but. It's a hard job. It is a hard job. You know, whenever my kids complained about homework, I was like, yeah, well, you know, people walk in the snow and I'm like, Well, I could only do my homework after I got back from the barn. And at one point we had 300 sheep. So. wow. Yeah. So there was a lot going on. And the main way that we earned money was through creating products like we spun the wool and we created and did sheepskin products like clothing, slippers. We actually sold the lamb meat as well. So I was like nine at this great picture of me at age 11, spinning wool in front of a group of people who were watching me. And I was telling them all about how, you know, the virtues of wool and what was so great about it. And the only downside to that was my mom used to dresses up at colonial outfits to do those. Now, not. What an 11 year old kid wants to do. No, no, no. Not at all. But, you know, that's how we made money. And so the thing was, my mom was not a particularly good business person. She was a very creative person, very forward thinking. She was doing organic before anybody else was. And she was just like the essays and the homespun and all that she was doing. But she wasn't a very good business person. And so I learned how to work really hard. But I also was very frustrated because it wasn't a success. It could have been God if we'd had social media. Now, you know, the way we do now, then would have been a whole other world. So some of my inspiration for being a business coach is because I know that people struggle in their businesses because they're not sure what to do. They need a sounding board, they need accountability, they need a system, and they need something to follow to help them to launch and grow that business. And so I learned a lot of that through the years. Starting with that, I moved to New York City. I started a computer consulting business with my husband, and I eventually got tired of the tech. So I said, You know what? I'm just going to coach people individually. So that's what I do now. There's nothing wrong with tech. It just changes every 5 seconds. Right. And, you know, listen, I, I live around tech. I love it. I love talking to people rather than machines. Yeah. Yeah, I can understand that for sure. Well, in working with a bunch of entrepreneurs, I mean, you've been one yourself. You watched your mom do it. What do you think is something that we tend to get wrong when we first start our businesses? That is a great question. Again, of course, I am a coach, so I'm going to say this is so predictable. You know, I'm going to say this, which is you don't have people that are helping you that know about business. So one of the mistakes that people make is they ask people who aren't business coaches or lawyers or alums for advice. And sometimes those people are people like your mom or your sister or your aunt or, you know, and they're so supportive until you say you start talking about money and then they're like, maybe you should just go get a job. And. I don't. Yes. Those folks either have a job already and don't want to be doing it anymore. A lot of my clients or they they already gave up on that or they don't want to do that. And entrepreneurship is more interesting to them. So ask people who are knowledgeable if you're not able or ready willing to hire a coach, you can use that. There are other free resources out there that you can use. Yeah, I mean, that's a that's the thing that's so funny because I started I started this business almost four years ago. I had another business before this. And so I've been an entrepreneur for all of my thirties for sure, and in my late twenties. And my brother, who is a software developer high up in the company, like we were kind of doing and we were kind of comparing notes last week and I was like, Don't you ever want to do this for yourself instead of working for somebody else? And he was absolute lead, not so world. So it is, it's yeah, it's totally different. And those are the kind of people I think a lot of us that are entrepreneurs or even have side hustles understand friends that are your other entrepreneurs are so invaluable because they understand things on a level that you cannot you just literally can't get anywhere else. Yeah, you know, it's interesting because my father worked for Westinghouse for 43 years, Same essentially the same job. Different projects, but different but the same job. He didn't go into management because he really enjoyed what he did, which was he was an engineer and really enjoyed that expert in his field. And meanwhile, my mother went to complete opposite direction. And so I had I really had both examples in my life. I had the example of my mother who had to hustle to make something happen. And then my dad, who was just, you know, every day 9 to 5, went to work, but he had his weekends free to go play tennis, or that was his particular hobby that he had or the outlet that he did. And of course, spent time with us on the weekends. So it was very helpful to have him. And of course he had a predictable income, whereas we did not have a predictable income. People like security and that is one reason why a lot of people would like to be entrepreneurs but don't actually go into being actual entrepreneurs. Yeah. And is there something that you see where, you know, when people people start a business, they're not thinking through some of those things. Do you think they take the leap of faith or is it that they just simply know the processes to put in place, to have more predictability, to have more security? Well, this is one of the things and again, we'll talk about this later, but I have a quiz that I have people do, which is helps you to figure out your CEO personality. And there are really four different types of personalities. There's the Chief Enthusiasm officer, and that's the person that's constantly coming up with new ideas, a little bit of shiny object syndrome, jumping around, real relationship focused, really, you know, like I am a chief enthusiasm officer in that I I've also got a side hustle, which is I do this whole thing with bluegrass and I'm starting to develop a website for people that find jams near them. And I'm doing working and that's all I want to work out like. That because it's fun right now. Holly But it's really fun to play music with people. It's a lot of fun. So Chief Enthusiasm offices are jumping all around for joy and doing all kinds of things, but they're also maybe not getting the traction that they want. Then there's the opposite, which is the chief expert officer, which moves so slowly. It's a person who's like, has to have all the analytics in front of them first and has to really understand what's going to happen and how to predict it and move forward. And those are the people that are less inclined to just quit their job and go, Well, I was going to try it. You know, they are less inclined to do that because they need to make sure that it's going to work. And we do tease. Then there's also the chief empowerment officer, which is so focused on other people and that she excellence officer, which could kind of lean towards perfectionism. So each little quadrant is you'll see if you take the quiz, you'll see that there's different pluses and minuses to them. And so that the idea is how do you play on your strengths and then how do you handle some of the things that are harder for you so that you can keep that predictable? So to go back to your question, what makes it easier and harder for some people is how do you work? How do you work? Are you a I have class divided into three different types. There's the time, there's task and there's target. So the time people like to do that time blocking thing where you put on your schedule, your calendar. The task people love those blogs and talk about the one three, five method where you do one big task and one three medium tasks and five little tasks every day and they're like, check it off. A task. And then you've got the deadline. People, the target people. Those are the people that work best when there's a deadline, and that's definitely me, I will do anything. We don't call those procrastinators. That's what I've called myself my entire life. Well, that's that is the downside to being. The. Person. But the upside to being that is that you might never get it done if you didn't have that target date to do it. So scheduling things and of course, everybody's a little bit of each one. So yeah, so we're depending I mean this is depend on your personality or is there something where you would say, you know, every new entrepreneur should start with X, Y, Z? Well, that's a great thing to ask. You know, when I had my first child, I realized that suddenly the whole entire world knew where you are. Much more about raising children and having babies. And I the only problem was all the information was conflicting. People said you should not sleep with your baby. Some people said you should see their baby. Some people said breastmilk was best. Some people said formula is best. Some people said, you know, sleep on their backs, sleep on their side. Right. So I was considering at that time writing a book called Some People Say, and it was like some people say you should do that because there's value to that. Yeah, I'll get better. I don't sleep with my baby, but some people say it's better to sleep with your baby because they get better sleep, whatever it is. So it's the same thing with entrepreneurship, which is some people say you should time block, some people say you should make a list and do one, three, five every day. Some people say Target. So the coaching program that I do is really helping people to find out not what is right, but what is right for you. How do you work best? Because I will tell you that there's one common trait amongst all entrepreneurs, which is that they always think that there's a better way that they could be doing something, and if only they could get their act together to do it that right way. Whatever them. All right. Yeah, well, we could find the secret formula or the hack or. Right. And and that's why we're always reading books and we're always listening to podcasts, We're always doing things, and then things resonate with us, and we try it for a certain amount of time. And what I find is a lot of the of my clients think that they should be doing it a certain way, but when they go to do it, there's a lot of resistance that comes up to doing it. And we have to understand that's the the other big advantage of I've always said entrepreneurship is the best personal development workshop you're ever going to do because it will challenge you in every possible way. And if you say you're going to do something and then you go to actually do it, then you don't do it. There's going to if resistance comes up, there's reasons for that resistance and that will reveal a lot about your working style. Yeah. Now I can totally understand that. I think everybody is wired just a little bit different and we think that there's one right answer and in reality it's the right answer. We need to find the right answer for us. What works for somebody else doesn't necessarily work for for us, right? I tell that to clients all the time when they come to me and they say, Well, this competitor over here is doing this with their website or this with their marketing and like that may not be the right answer for you. You know, we have to find the right answer for you and for your customer. So as somebody who falls victim to the constant learning cycle of entrepreneurship, I appreciate hearing that. You know, it's it's really just all about what works best for us and what we need to do. Yeah. And the other thing about that that the right where the wrong way is that it's giving the impression that somebody else knows better than we do and that we're going to find this expert and that because another thing that really stops new entrepreneurs is imposter syndrome. They think I'm just not good enough yet. And that is why we underprice ourselves. And I say we because I'm in the program, too, right? I'm a I'm an entrepreneur, so I'm constantly challenging myself. And there certainly I can look back and look at the times when I underprice myself. I actually lost clients because I underpriced myself. Right? Because they look, they think that you're not the you don't know enough because you're not charging enough. Right. I've I've come across that personally. Yeah. And so we live in this imposter syndrome like well I'm not qualified yet to, to charge a certain amount of money. I'm not qualified or I, I've only just started and a really good book to read if you like for, for this information gatherers is a book called The Millionaire Messenger by Brendan Burchard. And one of the things I like about it and I read it a while ago, so I'm sure I'm not quoting it exactly, but one of the things I like about it is he talks about all the different ways you can be an expert that you don't necessarily have to be a Ph.D. with 20 years experience in consulting because people are coming to you for whatever your services or your product is because of you, not because. A Well, actually, let me say it slightly differently. They're coming to you because they have a problem and they they think you might be able to solve that problem for them. And sure, you know, are there really like big people out there that are good or people there are, but there are also thousands and thousands and thousands of other people who are not gurus, but perfectly effective at solving problems, whatever they are. Yeah. Yeah. And sometimes do I think we downgrade our own experience and the fact that we actually might be the exact right person to solve that problem, but maybe we're never going to have thousands of followers and stuff because that's not quite what we need for our business. But we do tend to stack ourselves up against these people in our fields and we go, yeah, this this person has so many more followers than me, they must be smarter than me. And often that's not necessarily the case, right? For me, it's Mel Robbins. Do you know who that is? She's a great. And I said, Why does Mel Robbins have a TV show? And I don't have a TV show. The other thing about that is social media is a really good example of that. So people will come and say, I really I know I should be posting on Instagram or LinkedIn or whatever that is. And so the thing is, is for instance, LinkedIn being an example, I really like hanging out on LinkedIn. I know a lot of people are very successful finding clients on LinkedIn, and I've done those LinkedIn trainings that I've done them. I just I just. Don't like going on LinkedIn. Facebook is the place where I hang out and then maybe Instagram. So if you if you going into it, you say, Well, I hate social media or I hate being being on LinkedIn, you're not going to get all of a sudden happy about doing that. And even though I look and find people that are on LinkedIn that are very successful at using LinkedIn, it might not be the model for you if even though it's working great for other people, if you don't like going on LinkedIn, nothing against LinkedIn if anybody's. Listening, you. Know, I mean, I've had I've had the same very similar like I know that that's where a lot of my clients are, but there's just something about it where it just doesn't make it as fun to spend time there. And I know there's lots of great information. I know they're rolling out some features and some of my opinion is biased from what it was even five years ago or so. But yeah, I mean, if you're not going to follow through with something, if you don't like doing it. That's right. Yeah. And so this is a trap that sometimes entrepreneurs both new and old fall into, which is there must be I'm doing it wrong. There must be a better way. Let me try this way and you can't. It's not. It's one thing to start something. It's another thing to sustain something. If you can't find it, then it's going to fall apart and there's nothing sadder than a social media presence that are profile that you go to and it's nothing's on it. Yeah, like you could see a bunch of stuff and then and then it just got to fades out and it's just kind of sad and lonely. Yeah. Yeah. Where they literally and you can tell they stopped posting want to once a month, once a week, then it was like six months and then now it's like they haven't post for a year and like, are you still even in business. Yeah. Yeah. I'd rather not have anything on LinkedIn, for instance. Again, we're not bashing LinkedIn. It's I'd almost rather the Instagram is kind of like that for me. I Instagram just I'm just my sister loves Instagram. She'll sit and create reels and like or like so you have to find there's so many different possible ways to get new business, not the least of which, by the way, is just networking with people. We have forgot this, especially with the pandemic we've forgotten that you could show up places and talk to people and. No, no, no, that's that's a little crazy. I mean, I'm an introvert now. There's also this. Thing, it's called a phone. You can actually talk to people, you know, we. Could, but we're like all about texting and. All this. Creating relationship. yeah. I mean, I mean, that's I think even I mean, even just in the very sense of like a romantic relationship I have, I text my boyfriend all day long while we work, but that's different than the conversations we have on the phone or in person. You know what I mean? Like, texting is not going to be a deep conversation and into the client point of things. Once I get somebody on the phone when I get them on and usually it's a video call and it's just such a different experience then going back and forth in an email. And usually it's a much better experience, even even as an introvert, I can admit, like you get so much more out of it. You understand each other each other better. You can understand them better as a client. Like, does it mean it's easier natural for some people to do, but it can get you so much deeper into what they need and how you can help them. Yes, absolutely. Perfect. So let's talk about, you know, when you're helping somebody, if they come to you, how would you tell them to even help themselves? Do you have a system or something that you work work around that helps new entrepreneurs? Yes, There's a scuse me, there's a very specific system that I take people through. And the first thing that I do is we talk about vision. It's I mean, you could use the analogy of a GPS system, right? You're not in to just get in your car and start driving. You're not you're not going to put a random GPS address. You're going to you're going. And one of the things about visioning is making that distinction, which, by the way, is what coaching is all about. Coaching is about making distinct helping people to make distinctions. So there's a distinction between a vision and a fantasy. A vision is something that you are ready and committed. Now. You don't have to have created it yet, but you're ready and committed to creating. Now. A fantasy is something that you imagine in the future would be really fun to do. Like for me, I'm going to be in my RV going around to bluegrass festivals around the United States. And you know, when I think about what I'm really going to do this summer, it's probably. Him. So a couple. But I'm not you know, I'm not like lead. But that doesn't mean that can't be my fantasy. And I have no problems with fantasy. But I know you can take action on that. So what we do is we create a vision and we talk about your vision first. And there's a very specific way to do a vision, which is to use the same word and another part of the sentence very specifically. So you need to know details. So it's a there's a big difference between saying I'm going to have a thriving business and saying, I'm going to have a thriving business, I'll have a team of six. I will have be making 500 a year, I will be selling these products. And this again, is vision not I don't have anybody on my team right now. Right? So what I do is I take my clients through the process of the far off vision and then, well, what about one year from now? Okay, what about three months from now? Because I typically work with people to start for six months, and that's a good amount of time. Sometimes people get discouraged because they give themselves too short of a time frame. Like I would create anything yet. And it it takes a while to get some momentum. And they think they can have all this stuff done in like two weeks. Yeah. And it never, ever ever happens that way. And if anybody ever read something or you get six figures in 60 days, I'm just letting you know they did not start from scratch. They did not start from zero. And many of those like fancy schmancy programs which are quite expensive. Again, I'm not dissing them, just letting you know that you have to have foundation in place. Where. Types of things work. And as many people leave those types of programs very frustrated because they didn't accomplish it. Or they see other people doing these amazing things because they think they can launch on this one idea. But it takes a it takes some foundation. So that's the next thing that we work on, which is that foundation, which is a strategic action. So a phrase that I use sometimes to help people to figure out what to do in their strategy is to say, what's the next best thing for me to be doing right now? Right. Well, that's one question. The next question I will ask is what's the fastest path to cash? Because a lot of times we'll spend hours on social media or whatever, and that's not the fastest path the cash is usually. That's a really interesting way to put it, because I think, yeah, a lot of us are like, Well, we need to do all of these other things and instead it's literally, what can you do right now. That can actually generate business and income in your. Business? And because we can get very, very, especially the cheap enthusiasm officers among us, but or the expert officers who are still digging through spreadsheets from last month or whatever it is. So that is one way that you can prioritize what which one of these activities is the fastest path to cash. And then once you're in action, what will happen is you will bump up against fierce doubts, procrastination. Procrastination is not like a disease, right? It's their reason. People tell that to my mother now I've going right. There are reasons that people procrastinate. Fact I have a whole webinar about the procrastination, and one of the reasons is because you're afraid. You don't know what if it doesn't work? What if I do all this work and it's useless and you know, there's all kinds of things. And so I call those the hidden barriers and you will bump up against them if you're in action, and that's how you will know that you're in action. So the good news is, is that it isn't until you get into action that you can address those fears. If I if I don't like making sales calls and I and I never because I fear rejection, let's just say. Right, right. Never pick up the phone and call anybody and talk to them. I don't ever have to really face that fear. And I can post on social media all day long and not have that same fear because I don't except maybe people don't like you stuff or something and and then sit around. But there's there's a little bit the rejection level's a lot different on social media versus somebody on the phone telling you face to face. No, no. Yes. I've a whole thing about rejection, too. So that that is that's where you can get hung up on these what I call the hidden barrier. So we address those with my clients as well. So there is there's a, you know, the law of attraction where my thing is a little reversed. So there's the law of attraction. Like, yes, I'm just going to be here and it's going to flow to me, which is great. I have no issues with the Law of Attraction stuff. I think it's great. Then there's the hard line or what are you going to work on today? Let's let's make that list and that. And I think both have effectiveness to them at the same time. I think there's more of a combination at our in action. It it really depends on where your mindset is. Right right now. I mean, I totally agree. And so tell me, when you take people through this process, why do you think that it works over and over again, starting with the vision and then helping them break through those barriers to take action? Why does that work for so many people? One reason is, is because a lot of us aren't in action. We are thinking about action a lot and we're going to be really good at that action when we start it, which is definitely not right now. So I am we're going to be very good at that when it when. So once you get into action, I have a client right now who's working on self-publishing, doing a self-published book, a very interesting industry, a lot of people very successful at, and she's encountering a lot of technical issues. And she just tried to put the book up on Amazon. The margins were incorrect, you know, and she's checking in with me saying, here's here's what's slowing me down. Very frustrating and haven't actually responded. I just got the email a little bit earlier, too. I haven't responded yet, but my response is going to be great. Yay! If you weren't doing it, you wouldn't have this problem. So first let's. Write. That you are actually doing it because probably millions of people are not doing anything right now and you're doing it. And yes. Is it frustrating? It certainly is. That's why you really have to think long term. Give it. One time I was teaching my son's friend how to ride a bike and he was about 16 and he had actually never written a bike, maybe was about 14. And so I said, okay, I'm going to get on the bike. And I said, You're going to go back and forth. 22, like, you could do it. But he wasn't comfortable. I said, You're going to do that for 20 times. I don't even want to talk to you until you counted to 20 back and forth on this little stretch of road. After about the six or eight time, he was like, I am like, okay, but, you know, you don't really need the 20. But if you set your expectation for that, I'm not going to be any good at this until I've done it 20 times or 100 times, or I'm going to just give myself that long time and then you'll do better than you think. So you have if you expect immediate results, you're going to be so frustrated. Yeah. No, I mean, I completely agree with that. I think I was actually just watching a TikTok video. Mr. Space Cat. I don't know if you've ever watched her TikTok. She was hilariously training for a marathon, I think, during COVID. And so she just posed a lot of very relatable workout content. And she she just completed a 30 day workout and compared how easy it was on day 30 versus how hard it was on day one. And she was like, I cannot believe I stopped myself for so long saying I could never do this. And she's like, It just took 30 days, 30 days. And I think a lot of us are kind of in that same boat where we quite honestly don't believe we can do it, so we stop ourselves from doing it. And so I'm totally MIT. I'm very much a vision person. I like thinking about things and I'm an Enneagram type five, so I like gathering all the information. And then it's really hard for me to actually send out the emails with, Hey, I have this new service that I would like to offer to people that already like us, you know, like my team. And that's there's a mental block that happens, I think, for a lot of people. So when you force them into action, I think that's a really great combination. The vision's great, but you also have to do something about it. Yes, you definitely have to do something about it. I have a accountability partner. We have a running, so that means we're being accountable to what we said we were going to do. A lot of times we show up, we haven't done it. And our running joke that's not a joke is. Yeah. Turns out if I don't do it, it doesn't get done. It's so. True. So why is it so confusing to the guy? I know it's been two weeks and I didn't do it. Turns out I don't do it. It doesn't get done. So. Yeah, So you got to do it. I mean, that seems so silly, but you do have to do it. And that, of course, is a big reason that people hire a coach is for accountability. People will be more accountable for the most part. Most people are more accountable to other people than they are to themselves. So because it's so easy to to tell ourself to make inward rationalizations, why are we are not doing something but much harder if you especially if you paid money to somebody to help, Although I have had people that have purchased entire coaching programs and I'll do one or two sessions and never shown up again. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I know it happens. I know that happens. So what are some ways that somebody is not quite ready to hire somebody or they just want to start seeing a little bit of success? But some ways that somebody can get started on their own and kind of moving towards, you know, better action, better vision and just overall just a better business. Is there anything specific? Sure. Well, certainly I don't think it's like rocket science to write down a vision for yourself. And that vision can again, my main coaching on that is to be specific and you have to think big but not too big. You can't This is the moments where you have to be real with yourself and am I ever going to do this thing that I say that I want to do? You just have to be real with yourself. And it's very easy to say, I'm going to do that tomorrow, or no circumstances line up and I'm just I'm going to just let everybody know the fact right now, the circumstances are never going to line up. I mean, that magic day never comes. No. Turns out it never comes. And you will never have any more time than you do right now. So stop pretending you will because you will not. And in fact, one of my best coaching advice that I give to people is stop managing your time. The only thing that gets things done is managing priorities. Me I love that. Yeah. Meaning you're there's always going to be dishes in the sink every single meal you ever have. I mean, literally. This is so pathetic. The last night's dinner, I didn't even put it in a dish. I heated it up in the plastic container, an idea with the board, and I still had a dish to do. I still had the form was the plastic and no way to recycle dishwasher or whatever it was, It was still sort of moment. Right. You never not going to have that unless you literally eat out every single meal. Okay. So, so most of us don't do that. So I like to use that as an example because my grandmother, my nice, beautiful Italian grandmother, would never think of going to bed with dishes in the sink. I mean, if she did that one time in her life, that would I I'm almost positive that never happened. Okay. How would a frozen over. Hell would have frozen. Over and got to. Face that in the morning? You know, additional. I think she could have done that. Okay. So let's just say you have dinner and maybe you're with your family or you're by yourself or whatever you are, and you say, okay, those dishes in the sink now. And I have about an hour before I'm going to either go to bed or whatever I'm going to do, what should I do? Right now, I've been wanting So for me, for the quiz, you receive some emails afterwards that are supporting you and I had never quite finished that. I need to wrap it up and it's like one of those tasks. It just keeps showing up and it's good, but it's not great. So if I have an hour to go downstairs for me, it's I work from home, so go downstairs and finish that or do my dishes. The priority, if I'm looking to launch my business, not launch my business, but finish that business, really to bring me more business is to go downstairs and leave the dishes in the sink. Now, if in one hour my mother in law is coming over, I'm not thinking about my quiz emails. I am thinking about the dishes in my sink because I don't want my mother in law to come to my house and see that those dishes in the sink. Now, if I was really transformed, I would just go, I don't care. I'm still going downstairs to do the cuisine. All right. But, you know, most of us have some. But you can see how the priority would go. You can shift. Yeah. And maybe if I get the emails done in 20 excuse me, the dishes done in 20 minutes, I could still use the rest of the time. But most of us don't operate. That way we operate out of what we think is expected from us, from a norm. We watched way too much television, social media stuff. I'm not being critical. I'm just saying too much sounds like I'm being critical. What I really mean is think about what are you prioritizing? Because you're never going to have more time and it's never going to be easier. It just isn't. So just stop thinking it will be. And instead prioritize differently. Well. I mean, that is amazing. So we talked about your quiz a little bit. If somebody wanted to go learn what kind of entrepreneur they were and you know how to make this next step, how to tackle this, where would they go? Well, all the resources are on my website, Wolf coaching dot com. And I don't know if you caught the joke, but my last name is Wolf and I grew up on a sheep farm. that's true. Liz Walker. But Wolf, with an E. So sometimes you believe the E off but it's Liz Wolf coaching dot com and then forward slash quiz or if you go to the website it'll pop up and ask if you want to take the quiz. I also have other perfect roles on there as well, but there's a lot of content that's very helpful in that. In the quizzes funds just easiest ten, but the content you get afterwards is is very to help you figure out what is slowing me down. And definitely you know, it's sort of build like are you cut out for entrepreneurship. Everybody is cut for entrepreneurship If they want to be right, you could be successful. You mean there's not a magical personality type that this works best for? No, it turns out there isn't. There actually is not. There are people that are very successful that are not at all what you would think. And people that aren't that you would think, gosh, you should have them in the back. So. Yes, a lot more. Than that for sure. lovely. Well, this has been a great conversation. Everything that we just talked about to you will be linked in today's show notes for you guys. Liz, I appreciate that so much. There's a lot of good information that I'm going to go back and listen to for myself. So thank you. Thank you. Really great. A lot of fun. I love laughing on podcasts. Yeah, that's that's that's the way more fun than being, you know, straight up and serious. That's good stuff. Yeah. That's that's not my jam anyway. Perfect. Well, thank you again.